Housing Plan Forum & Ice Cream Social

housing plan and ice cream social
Event Date: 
Thursday, September 16, 2021 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Town of warren

Housing Plan forum + Ice Cream Social + tour of future housing site

Warren Town Hall

Thurs, September 16 6:30pm


Please come hear about the DRAFT Town of Warren Affordable Housing Plan, provide your feedback on the Plan, tour the proposed site for future affordable housing and eat ice cream with your neighbors.


Come hear about the specific goals and strategies being proposed to address Warren’s housing needs in the Town’s DRAFT Affordable Housing Plan and provide your feedback before the Plan is adopted.


Hosted by: Warren Housing Plan Steering Committee- Diane Engle (Warren Affordable Housing Corporation board member), Victoria Sahadevan Fossland (Planning & Zoning Commission Vice Chair), Roger Grace, Jack Travers (Warren Affordable Housing Corporation Board member), Melissa Woodward (Warren Social Services), and Tim Angevine (ad hoc member, First Selectman)


Want more information prior to the event? 

CLICK HERE for a copy of the DRAFT Warren Affordable Housing Plan


Can’t attend in person on September 16th?  This will be a hybrid meeting with an option to attend virtually. 


Please RSVP (so we don’t run out of ice cream)! CLICK HERE to let us know you’re coming.